Parish Council

The Soulbury Parish Council meets on the third Monday of each month at 7:30 pm in the parish hall, except for August. The annual parish meeting takes place in May at which time those in the main roles of the Council are elected.

Here is the team on the Parish Council, working hard to support you all:

  • Maurice Cross – 01525 270503
  • Margaret Rowe – 01525 270355
  • Victor Wright (Chairman) – 07704 801682
  • Alan Stevens – 01525 270213
  • Nigel Kemal – 07398 825430
  • Salina Darbyshire Mackay – 07734 252060
  • John Bennett (Vice Chairman) – 01525 270940
  • Wendy Taylor (Parish Clerk and RFO) – 01525 279530