We are not sure of the exact age of this church. It seems that the original church consisted of a chancel with an aisleless nave. In the middle of the 14th century the chancel was rebuilt and aisles were added to the old nave. The next century windows were inserted in the south aisle and the south porch was built. In 1863 the church was restored. You might be thinking that this is all there is about the history and development of our church and how wrong you would be. Please click here to read about the church and its development over the years.
The registers begin in 1676.
There is also an account book of 1658, which was restored to the church in 1911.
All Saints Church, Soulbury hosted the Institution, Induction and Installation Service of the Reverend Dominic Wright as the new Team Rector of the Cottesloe Benefice on Sunday evening 6 October 2024. Due to Bishop Steven’s pressing diary commitments during September and October, Dominic was licensed at Church House, Oxford on Thursday 26 September 2024 during a small licensing service by Bishop Steven.
The service to complete Dominic’s Institution, Induction and Installation as Team Rector of the Cottesloe Benefice was led by Associate Archdeacon, The Revd Canon Chris Bull, with Area Dean, The Revd Canon Val Plumb, leading the Welcome. Eight Churchwardens representing the eight churches within the benefice presented token gifts during the service as symbols of ministry. The service concluded with Dominic receiving the keys to the church in token of the responsibilities he has and ringing a bell after which the Associate Archdeacon lead him to his stall. He was then welcomed by the ministry team, members of the community and benefice congregation.
Refreshments were served afterwards in the parish hall where all could meet and welcome Dominic, his wife Jo and their family in fellowship.

The main purpose of this team is to raise money to ensure the fabric of the church is maintained. This can be general repairs or repairs needed as a result of theft, such as lead from the roof. In 2018, whilst repairing the roof as a result of such a theft they found the porch was in danger of falling down. Thanks to the efforts of this team that work was also completed.
Fund raising mainly comprises the parish breakfasts, the bi-annual fete and bi-annual open gardens. Sadly, in the current climate these events will not be running this year.


There is a ring of six bells: the treble and third are by Henry & Ellis Knight, 1661; the second by Chandler, 1697; the fourth and fifth are by an unknown maker of the first half of the 15th century, and are inscribed ‘ Sancte Martine ora pro nobis’ and ‘Sancta Margareta ora pro nobis’ respectively; the tenor is by Bartholomew Atton, 1592. There is also a sanctus bell by Richard Chandler, 1714.